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21 Common Seo Mistakes

21 Common SEO Mistakes

1. Select wrong keywords for your website.
2. Ignoring the Title tag
3. Long Length of title, description and Keywords.
4. Use Duplicate Content.
5. Using only Images for Headings
6. Use of Frames
7. Ignore URLs
8. Use of Excessive flash.
9. Not Valid X ML Site-map
10.Use Java-script Menus
11. Back link spamming
12. Making Irrelevant links.
13. A Flash website without a HTML alternative
14. Excessive anchor text links.
15. Not use Sitemap Regularly.
16. W3c validation for your website.
17. Don’t have Proper use of keywords in the alt image.
18. Cut the bigger images into small parts.
19. Not use proper image description
20. Lack of Clear navigation
21. Poorly designed websites.